華信私人地產服务公司于2007年由林大卫先生和家族成立,主要服务大纽约区:曼哈顿,布鲁克林,皇后区及长岛区的華人及亚洲客户私人房屋及物业的出售及管理,以及和qi中餐馆的买卖,華信(D F&Sons Inc.)是纽约州合法注册的公司。公司总部设于长岛,现管理客户七十多处物业,本身在长岛,皇后及布鲁克林区拥有二十余处物业,我们目前有序管理着总数超过100个单位.2013 应众多客户要求,我们开始代理长岛中餐馆买卖业务。由于近几年纽约华人及其他亚裔的涌入加上公司“急客人所急,想客人所想”独特不凡的经营实力,我们现正以前所未有的速度稳步发展。
我们根据客户的实际需求. 為客戶量定制及提供最好最有效最优惠的房产买卖及管理服務包括:
華信公司致力于使您的產業增值 ,提高收租率,降低空屋率,嚴格控制維修支出的方向及有整套完整規劃将令屋主大大降低責任與義務來幫助客户及投資者獲得最高的利潤.
公司员工精通英语,国语,广东,福州话,7天/24小时可随时与亚洲客户及中国两岸四地的同胞可通过QQ,Skype,Email,MSN 和其他通讯工具保持联系。
中文专线 347 -323 -2443
Welcome:NY DF&Sons Property Services, Inc. has been in business since 2007. We currently manage about 75 houses more than 100 unites In Long Island,Brooklyn & Queens area .We are Family Operated .
Relationship and Stability:
We take pride in giving our clients the highest level of service possible. Our goal is to make owning investment or self-resident properties in Metropolitan profitable and worry-free. From finding the right Tenant to collecting rents to making repairs or maintenance our professional team is ready to give your investment property the attention it deserves. We manage each and every rental property as if it were our own.
We pride ourselves on the relationships we have with our clients as well as our staff. Our employees have gained detailed knowledge of the properties enables us to increase our effectiveness and deliver a high level of personalized service reaching outstanding results for our owners and our properties.
Focus :Everything we do is focused on the ultimate goal of maximizing our clients' cash flow and increasing the net value of their investments as if they were our own properties. From marketing to accounting to maintenance, we develop an unique business plan for each property. Then, we find the best people to implement it.
華信公司致力于使您的產業增值 ,提高收租率,降低空屋率,嚴格控制維修支出的方向及有整套完整規劃将令屋主大大降低責任與義務來幫助客户及投資者獲得最高的利潤.
公司员工精通英语,国语,广东,福州话,7天/24小时可随时与亚洲客户及中国两岸四地的同胞可通过QQ,Skype,Email,MSN 和其他通讯工具保持联系。
中文专线 347 -323 -2443
Welcome:NY DF&Sons Property Services, Inc. has been in business since 2007. We currently manage about 75 houses more than 100 unites In Long Island,Brooklyn & Queens area .We are Family Operated .
Relationship and Stability:
We take pride in giving our clients the highest level of service possible. Our goal is to make owning investment or self-resident properties in Metropolitan profitable and worry-free. From finding the right Tenant to collecting rents to making repairs or maintenance our professional team is ready to give your investment property the attention it deserves. We manage each and every rental property as if it were our own.
We pride ourselves on the relationships we have with our clients as well as our staff. Our employees have gained detailed knowledge of the properties enables us to increase our effectiveness and deliver a high level of personalized service reaching outstanding results for our owners and our properties.
Focus :Everything we do is focused on the ultimate goal of maximizing our clients' cash flow and increasing the net value of their investments as if they were our own properties. From marketing to accounting to maintenance, we develop an unique business plan for each property. Then, we find the best people to implement it.